Event Details

Budgeting Workshop

Join us the 4th Tuesday of every month, 6:30-8:30pm, South Room 3

In this workshop, our Moneywise team will guide you in creating and maintaining a budget that fits your unique needs for your family. Join us each month for ongoing support and practical advice as you work toward achieving your financial goals.
  • Email generous@thecreek.org to RSVP or with any questions.
  • Children’s Programming is available for ages birth through 5th GradeAvailable
     - Tuesday nights through Tuesday, April 29 (exception of April 15)
     - Please plan to arrive by 6:15pm so we can help connect you to programming before class begins.
     - All children’s volunteers have been through a background check process.
     - You are welcome to bring dinner or homework for your children if needed.