

Location: Vienna, Austria
Ministry Partner: TCM
Date: November 2-15, 2025
Team Leader: Jim Poer
Trip Focus: TCMI offers seminary education near Vienna, Austria to pastors from persecuted and underprivileged nations. We assist with housekeeping, food preparation, house and grounds, and hosts for the adult students.

Estimated* Cost: 
Includes: Travel, lodging, supplies, international insurance
Does Not Include: Passport fees and vaccinations
*Airfare is subject to change until flights are ticketed.

Registration Timeline: September 1, 2024-April 27, 2025
If you would like to donate to the trip, click here.

Trip Documents:
Complete Mission Trip Application
Mission Trip Support Raising Guide - Learn about fundraising ideas and policies
GO! Sample Trip Support Letter - To send to family and friends 
GO! Donor Support Form - To accompany support letters and donors submit with their donations for tax-deductible purposes.

Questions? Contact